UY have Remixed song or Re-arranged song, with the Symphonic Album or the Special REMIX and more ! (Pretty album but is very for the curious or completist i have confessed.) BUT, UY have also many albums with exclusive or re-singed song with Fumi Hirano (The Lum's Voice) or Yuko Matsutani (Ai Wa Boomerang, Lum no Love Song) in special released album : "Fumi no Lum Song", "Songbook", "Lum for the World", etc. And is have a very few album for the "BEST Song" of UY with : "Hit Parade", "JukeBox 1 and 2", "Lum's Best Selection 1 and 2", "Super Best 20", "TV Best Song Best", "Gold Disc" and other. After that, Urusei Yatsura have many song who's have reach the Hit Parade in Japan and is very famous song.
Additionaly is have a Drama Tracks from the Movie and Show (The Drama-hen or the Drama Special). Is very essential album for all people have see the show. The "TRUE" Original Album with a original tracks from TV,Movie, OAV in name : Music Capsule I, II, Music File, Only You, Beautiful Dreamer, Remember My Love, Lum the Forever, Kanketsu-hen, Itsudatte My Darling BGM. The Urusei Yatsura have a differents particular album. unless they decide to take things into their own hands, buy the CDs (internet is a wonderful tool to that end) and rip them to lossless or just listen to them. because in the end of the day, beggars cannot be chosers. if you want mp3, make it yourself from the damn lossless. some will only share lossless and I've seen quite often people asking 'please, can you re-up in mp3'. if you don't like it, tough shit (pardon my french), it's their choice. or the nearest gym equipped with a boxing/wrestling ring. if people want to take on each other in Mortal Kombat about formats, there's the technical discussion subforum or PM. but could we please keep those pointless debates out of this thread to avoid the goddamn drama ? This is a place to share and discuss old anime OST.
#FOOBAR2000 SKINS V 1.3.15 MOD#
I know I'm not the OP, nor a mod or anything here, just a contributor.